
What we are doing to help our planet

We recognise, both through our own operations and through our supply chain, our business activities have an impact on the environment.

Recycling Crushed Glass

Recycling glass is one of the many ways we can help reduce pollution and waste. Everyday thousands of tones of glass is frown away, Instead of letting landfills pile up with glass objects that are a threat to safety and the environment, we can use again to produce high quality blasting media.

  • Abrasive produced from recycled glass reduces related air pollution by 20% and related water pollution by 50%.
  • Recycling glass reduces the space in landfills that would otherwise be taken up by used bottles and jars.


Used glass is crushed, sorted, cleaned, and prepared to be mixed with other raw materials like soda and sand. The raw materials and glass pieces are then pulverised and screened into required grades.

Recycled Cardboard

Well firstly do you really need your products in new boxes? We ship your products safely in A1 grade used boxes that have only been used for one trip before in perfect condition, using used boxes will do the same job & but massively reduce global waste and save thousands of trees.

ecowise recycling